Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin carving party!!

What a great day. Took the kids to the pumpkin patch. Was worried because it rained most of the day. Because of the rain instead of having that nice fall breeze  we got the usual Miami humidity. But we made the best out of the situation. My parents met up with us and brought along my little cousin. The kids had a great time pushing around a wagon and loading as many pumpkins on it as they possibly could. I tried to get as many pictures as I could , but my little DIVA was giving me a hard time. She refused to take a nap before we went and was cranky the first 45 mins we were there . She would play but refused to take a picture. It wasn't until we were getting ready to leave that I got a few good shots . The kids each bought a mini pumpkin , we had already gotten the big ones from Walmart the day before. I was so glad we did we only paid $2.50 and at the pumpkin patch the medium size ones started at $10.  We went home to have our pumpkin carving party. There were seeds and stringy pieces all over ,the kids enjoyed getting down and dirty. I had bought one of those carving kits that come with a few print outs. Since my little cousin is 10 yrs old I thought he was ready to do one of those . For my son I just outlined a good ole fashion jack o lantern. My son was very proud of the work he did. My cousins on came out pretty good. Once they were all cleaned up I put tea light candles inside and turned the lights off . They were both amazed  ,we've carved pumpkins before but had never lit them up. My daughter who is obessed with the whole birthday singing and blowing out candles , kept huffing and puffing to blow it out . She would walk up to the pumpkins singing happy birthday and blow as hard as she could . She got fustrated after no success. I made them taco and double chocolate chip cupcakes , which of course they gobbled up. Even my husband got involved and help to carve my daughters pumpkin . Ok he did the whole thing , she just played with the stuff. As we approach more of the holiday season you will hear more about the different parties I host . I think today I officially created a new one with this pumpkin carving party. I see in the up coming years that more family and friends will join us in this excitement. It didn't help that I saw Martha Stewart give ideas on how to throw one. This was a great way to end the weekend . It's these little moments you treasure , these memory making moments. And you hope that one day when your kids are grown and have their own they remember these moments as they recreate and relive them with their kids. Traditions are not always the big things it could be the smallest thing , that means the most.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I got a ticket today because I was caught in a trap. When I asked the cop what I was pulled over for he said not wearing my seat belt. I told him impossible I wearing it and I always have it on. I'm one of those paranoid people that worry the moment I don't have it on I would need it. The cop tells me that he was going to check with the other officer . He comes back 20 mins later with a ticket. Now it's because I entered the turning lane before it began . So the turning lane is backed up all the way and how are you suppose to get in. Hold up the lane going straight and the jump in front of the people who are turning . Um I am not trying to risk my life over turning. It was ridiculous and the worst part it cost $179 . Thanks motor cops because the crime rate has just went down immensely today with you giving out bogus tickets to fill your quota. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Andrea!!!(Sunday's blog)

Birthday girl lounging by pool lookin sexy 

Defining gravity 
Lil sexy in making 

Saturday, October 5, 2013