Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Am I smarter than a 5th grader

Whoo!! Hoo!! This morning my sons school was better organized. They had the names of the teacher on the cafeteria tables and they used a bull horn to call the students in line. My son even ate some breakfast it was a chicken patty. Today I said yes to my friend about the business opportunity , it's all or nothing . I can't live like this forever so I really need to do something about it. I would like to be able to afford to put my my son in extracurricular activities. Today was early release day for the 2-5 grade. I called my close friend and told her since her son who goes to the same school will be getting out at the same time , I will pick him up. The afternoon not so organized , they didn't think ahead what to do with all the grades being released at the same time. 
Well after making the kids something to eat, it was time to do homework . I go through my sons bag an here goes life again. I see his progress report and it confirms that yesterday wasn't a good day he received another yellow , wait but there's more today he receives a red. So  he is only getting worse , I am probably sure the teacher is labeling him a problem child. So I have a talk with him and put him on punishment he now is not allowed to do all the exciting things I had planned today. He will just have to watch his friend do them. Homework is finished and it is time for me to check what they both have done. The family friend is in the 5th grade and he had math homework. Well , I think that I am a pretty educated person I have a bachelor degree ,work in the medical field and teach. But all of that meant nothing when looking over his answer , I had no idea if they were right or wrong. I guess I am not smarter than a 5th grader. What a shame; I told his mom and she began laughing . She is educated , is a business owner and she could not figure it out. She will have to check his math book when she gets back home. Today my daughter took me by surprise , I am driving home and I hear her count she loves doing this. But this time it's different she is actually counting an open pack of her hair barrettes , she gets all the way to 13. Have I mentioned she is not even 2 years old yet . That is why decided to take the business opportunity , I really need to get her in daycare that works more like a school .  The rest of the day was a good day , I got the opportunity to work from home . Which means I had a nice nap and got the chance to spend lunch with my husband . Wink wink . Lets just hope tomorrow will be a better day for my son.

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