Friday, August 23, 2013

The saga continues(this is Thursdays blog forgot to post)

Today my original plans for work got deterred, I was schedule to go to my regional office. Instead I receive a call and  I need to visit one of my stores. When I get there I meet the store manager she is surprised to see me. I explain why I am there and she is a little upset. The manager of a different department was the one who called me, apparently the two are having communication problem. The store manager said that she had already started on trying to hire someone she wanted for her department if she had just asked she would have known this .  The store manager is fairly new to the position and she is not used to not getting along with her workers. She is almost in tears , this is just not what I expected of my day today. I go meet the other manager and she is not a pleasant person never has been. But she is excited to see me , then she she starts complaining about the store manager. How the store manager called her on her day off complaining that she scheduled one her employees without telling her . The store managers complaint was correct she just couldn't see it. Besides receiving the phone call she is also angry at a comment that was made , the store manager explained to her that she is the manager of the whole store including her department . She wanted to know what makes her think that. I had to put it as nice as possible but I explained the store manger is correct but it works better if you work as a team . I saw that what I was saying was not hitting home . The last three managers that have been at that store has pretty much had the same problems with her. She is insisting on hiring a person who worked for us in the past. It's been about 6 months since he was with the company. The store manager doesn't feel comfortable about hiring him she feels something doesn't seem legit about him. I told her to call his old store and get the real story. I explained this to the other managing partner she is not happy with this . She keeps asking will she get him , I said yes once we follow the procedures. Well later the store manger calls me to tell me she called his old store and its bad . Apparently he tried to sue us and he was a horrible employee , it's even in his file that he not rehireable. I am glad I convinced her to go with her gut. The next day I will explain this to the other one , once I discuss this with our HR. 
Today I was really excited to pick my son up , I was certain he would have a green. I even told my husband that I would leave my daughter at the babysitter so I can take my son to the park. So as he gets in the car I check his bad and so we continue with the struggle he received another red. I was so disappointed and upset I just went and pick up my daughter. My husband was furious , he actually met me home . My son was told to sit in a chair in his room without tv. I decided to take all his toys away. My husband burst my bubble he said we didn't have enough garbage bags to do this . So I found some small ones to at least get started , by this weekend all of the toys will be gone out of his room. Once he comes home with a green then he can go back in the bag and choose one toy to take out. At this rate he would have to be good until the end of the year to get his toys back. It could be longer if he gets red because that will mean something will be taken back, yellow will mean that nothing will be taken or added . I hope this is enough to get him on the right path. We shall see. 

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