Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Oh what a day!

So let me explain a little bit about my job. I work at a major retailer and I have been there for 15 years. I am a trainer for the company and am responsible for over 39 stores.  This company like any major company focus mainly about numbers. Every move you make is being measured . So besides having classes with employees , I have to make sure the new ones complete their training on  time. The problem with this is that even when you give them a deadline and tell them they could lose their job if not completed on time;yet they still manage not to do this. Well because of this I find my self working everyday. My boss's do not understand this or care all they care is that we never miss are points. I  mean never and we must do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn't happen. Even if you have to complete the  training yourself.

Well last week Friday I received my performance evaluation and I got the highest in points you could get. But here goes life with its curve balls , I was told that I wouldn't be getting a raise. Why is that because of a term called red line. Which means I make the max my title will allow. Now how is this possible last year I was not even close to it. Then she proceeded to tell me that the company decreased the amount that the position makes. Needless to say I was upset, hurt and disappointed, with all the responsibility I have I hardly make anything.  Well I decided I felt unappreciated and that this company does not reward loyalty. So I decided that I would no longer put forth the extra effort  and take advantage of the things my position allows me that I rarely put to use. Which is flexibility with my schedule , and being able to occasionally work from home.

So this weekend I decided no work I was going to enjoy my family. Well I completely forgot that I had one employee who was close to her deadline and her training was due on Monday. Well Monday and Tuesday came and went. So today I needed to do some work so when   I checked she was past her deadline and did not finish her training. Oh what to do this is unacceptable , I could be written up or worse suspended over someone else not doing their job. So trying to pull a rabbit out of the hat I called up the store manager and asked him to fix the problem. We won't know until after a week if it works. Cross your fingers for me and hope that it does.

But even with that curve ball , I received another today. My son comes home from camp excited as can be yelling" mommy , my tooth is wiggly". I checked and sure enough it is. Now I am excited , I am ready to have those memorable pictures with the snaggle tooth. So I'm looking for a tooth fairy pillow on Etsy, I got my tooth fairy letter and receipt that I found on Pinterest. Now I just have to wait. Proud momma all excited about a first lost tooth.


  1. I know life will throw you curve balls but you are a fighter.

    "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."
    John F. Kennedy

  2. Life Curve Balls challenge us to be better a person and encourage us to fight for what is right and fair. These companies do not value their employees who was loyal to them for over 10 years. They only care about numbers and how the company stocks are doing. How they can keep cost down. The only people I am loyal to is my family and friends and to my lord and savior.
