Sunday, August 18, 2013


Today is last day to shop before school starts. My husband wakes with a hangover so he is not able to go with me. Luckily my friend and god daughter decide to venture with me through the craziness. Only 10 minutes into the trip, I am driving on the express way when something makes me look back. Well what do I see It's my darling daughter half way coming out of her car seat. This girl has manage to figure out to unhook the top portion of the strap. Have I mentioned she is only one . Well at 80 miles an hour I am freaking out and my friend is reaching in the back to try and strap her back in. But she is screaming and locking up her knees , finally my friend gets pissed off and had to get very assertive with her. With that she was finally able to locked her down. The first place we get to is Walmart , the parking lot alone gives me a glimpse of what we have to look forward too. It was a mad house and my kids where the worse behave I felt. This weekend my kids truly made me feel like a mother with no control. By the time we headed to our third store , all I wanted to do was scream and cry. I didn't care that I didn't get everything it would just have to wait another day. My friend today was going through some personal problems and I felt bad because there wasn't much I could do. But I know she will get through it , she is stronger then she realizes. 
Later on my sons godparents come over to give him his new lunch bag and supplies . He was just excited to show them his new skateboard he got yesterday. Then my parents came  by to wish him good luck at his new school . My son loves all this attention it makes him feel special . My sons godmother Aisha reminds me that I need to read her revised version of the first children book she wrote . I laugh in my mind because lulu my other friend yesterday just left me the first couple of chapters in her novel. I am just surrounded by these talented women. But I feel extra special that they want my opinion on it. 
So I have my first day of school sign printed , sons back pack ready, and teacher wish list items set lets just hope I can keep it together tomorrow . You'll have to wait and see .


  1. Yes it is wonderful to hear that your friends believe in you. Wow you had one of those days with your kids especially your daughter this weekend.

  2. Lol..I love your kids and being around you this weekend was nice, thanks for being there for me, you're a great mom, dealing with the curveballs life hands you, you're doing great chica.
    I respect your opinion because you're one of the most smartest women I know.
    Hang in there school will always be tough, but maybe that's a good thing, it keeps us on our toes.
