Friday, August 16, 2013

Meet and greet

Today was meet and greet day at my son's school . We get there and we are placed in the cafeteria . Then the principal begins introducing every one and then going on about the policy. Afterward we were able to go the classrooms and meet my sons teacher . So then I see its a class of 20 kids and only one teacher. I know that this is the norm but it hasn't been what we are use to. We all sit down in the chairs and she begins to discuss the items the kids need in the classroom. It's a huge list she even gives us her wish list items. I am going to try my best to get as many of her wish list items as I can. She starts to explain how this year they are no longer allowing parents to celebrate birthdays at the school. I couldn't believe it most parents usually bring cupcakes to make their child feel special on that day. This of course does not sit well with me , I am a huge fan of making a big deal of birthdays. I will not even work on my birthday , for its a holiday I am celebrating the fact that god gave me to the world. I do this to anyone who is in my life , their birthdays are equally special. Then she explains that this year there will be no end of the year graduation for pre-k or kindergarteners. All I hear are sighs in the room , this is what parents look for after kindergarten , seeing their kids wearing cap and gowns and participating in a ceremony. I mean even when you're  on Pinterest you see the pictures off the high school grad holding up their kindergarten graduation picture. Luckily for me at my sons old school they had a ceremony for the pre-k. But those poor parents who didn't get one , I feel real bad. The conversation was more about what they were no longer doing. She even said that the kids are not allowed to have book bags and must by a pouch from the school. I am glad I had some cash on me to buy this especially since school starts Monday . After leaving the school my husband seemed really upset , he said he felt like he failed our son by not being able to keep him in his former school. I had to put my positive hat on and told him things will be alright. We are dedicated parents and we will make sure that he has what he need from us . We are just doing the best we can. I know there are some people who are wondering why are we making such a big deal about this . But it's because we worry our child could easily fall behind because he requires extra attention. And we have seen what can happen to kids just like my son . Later on when they move up to higher grades and then have to take the state standardized testing they end up failing and having to repeat the grade. This is even with extra tutoring and usually once you are behind its hard to catch up . But I promise I will make the sacrifice at home to make sure this doesn't happen. 

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