Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today I wake up to scramble about to pick up my Aunt and cousin who will be babysitting my kids today. When we get back to the house my son goes to put something in the refrigerator and the light is off. I of course just assume the bulb must be out. But my son the little investigator goes and checks the freezer and that light is  also off. So here goes life's curve balls and they have me paranoid. I go into the kitchen and not only is the refrigerator off, but so are the stove, the deep freezer and even worse my air conditioner. I called my husband in a panic , screaming something went wrong the check was a mistake  they cut half our  power off.  My husband says it must be impossible, but I can't wait to see what happens I have to get to work.  Later he calls me to tell me that there was a power outage in the neighborhood but we still need to be looked at since only half the house has power. But that will be for a different time , all that concerned me is that everything was working again.

Today was one of those hum drum days at work. The class I taught was for new hires , today was their first day at work. I go over how great the company is and how there is a lot of opportunity for growth. I have to say this every week , when in reality I just want to tell them to run for the hills. I made it through class with the help from chocolate and a coke. I got out of work a little late because I had one student who wouldn't stop talking to me. She actually is not a new hire , she has been with the company for over 9 years. Her store has sent her to get retraining in customer service and attitude adjustment. I give her the whole speech about how her approach might seem a little harsh. But I really know what it is , its a lack of faith in the company. She hasn't moved up at all, and now they are asking her to do triple the work at the same pay rate and with even more criticizing that what she does is not enough. Basically the company has broken her and they want her to be o.k. with it. But my mouth stays quite about the truth, her situation it just like so many others.

Today I was invited to dinner by a sales rep to a restaurant I have never been before in a very expensive area. I love going to these things , they are always at really expensive places that I could never afford to go on my own. And we know how much I love free. So, I'm home excited about going and there goes life and it's curveballs. My husband calls me and his voice seems a little panicky , he tells me to move my car out the drive way he needs his car there. He gets home moments later and he says something is wrong with his car. Paranoia is starting to sink in , every horrible scenario is now crossing my mind. We can't afford to be down a car, there is no dropping each other off my husband and I work 30 minutes in the opposite direction and that doesn't count when I have to travel to my stores.  After what seems like forever and a free dinner missed my husband says it just a belt and he can fix it himself. So with all the scares today I am glad that everything worked out fine. I have to see how I can get a makeup for my free dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Her situation is like your situation with the company. If the company do not value their employees. That is why she has an attitude and that is why the company will always have problems with their employees.
