Friday, August 9, 2013

Oh where , Oh where did it all go!

Well this morning I woke up late , and today was my son's last day of camp and they were going to Chuck E Cheese. My husband who was off today had some responsibilities he needed to do. We still haven't registered my son for school and he is starting Kindergarten . He needed to go to the driver's license bureau to get the address changed so my son can attend school in a certain area. Let me explain why I must do this, here in Miami the division of the area is very weird.  There isn't really a true suburb area. If an area is considered suburbs then right down the street is the ghetto. Not that its truly a real problem but just like any normal mother I want the best for my kids. The area I live in is a simple middle class area but I am only less than 5 minutes away from the not to nice areas. So the school that is located near my area is shared with the other area. My worry is that the school is not an "A" school and the teachers don't have the drive to deal with some of their students. My son is someone who needs a little extra attention, he takes longer to get work completed since he gets distracted very easily. In the wrong school he can easily be labeled a bad , difficult kid. This will not be the first time my son has been in school he has been going since he was 3. For the first two years I had him in a private school that practice the Reggio Emilio theory. This school probably almost sent me to the poor house and for nothing. The school practiced free play and let the kids choose what areas they wanted to learn. Well my son always worked the construction area. After two years I realized that my son was behind and the only things he knew where the things I taught him at home. What a waste a money. So the third year I put him in a more structured private school for Pre-K. This school was awesome I couldn't be more excited with the results. They were the ones who actually noticed that my son had a distraction problem. This is not something I caught when I was teaching him at home because it was one on one care. Sadly due to financial reasons I will no longer be sending him to that school, which is why I have to try and chose a good public school. I am working on getting his distraction under control now that it has been officially identified, but that will take time.
 So I wake my husband and he looks at me with these very sad eyes. So here goes life and its curveballs , he explains that even though today is payday for both of us we have no money. I got this horrible pain in my stomach, please explain how is this possible. Well apparently I was so over drafted in my account that my whole paycheck went to pay the bank back and that a check I wrote over three weeks ago got cleared. This check that got cleared now caused me to be  over drafted again. So I ask my husband about his account and he told me that he is over drafted as well. Well what are we suppose to do. We are like most people living paycheck to paycheck and not getting one in a sense is catastrophic.  Like always I have to pull it together and come up with a solution , I need money so my husband can get a new drivers license its $25. My parents of course are always my solution. Thankfully they come through and this morning I manage to send my kid to camp with extra money and husband off to get a new license. With all of that we were able to get my son registered at the school we want. So even though I still have a lot to figure out , this one huge thing that was causing lots of stress has been fixed.
If you even have enough money to do that.

The rest of the day was a pretty easy day . Later this evening I was schedule to attend a Mary Kay party. Interesting enough this is actually the first one I have ever attended. I mean I have been invited to several but have never went, this one was being held by my husbands cousin and I really wanted to show my support. So my husband dropped me off and decided to take the kids with him to a car show. Well my darling sweet husband ended of taking some of the other kids. So in my small little car he squeezed in 5 kids and didn't break a sweat about babysitting. Ladies and gentlemen I definitely got me a keeper. The kids had a great time , they got a chance to see really interesting cars and even had a hula hoop contest. As for me I had a great time with the girls getting all dolled up. I even bought me something. I know I shouldn't have since I still did not solve my financial woes for this week. But sometimes you have to do a little for yourself and it was only $20.
Even though today I struck out on life's curve ball , it will just have to wait another day, for another game.
Mary Kay Girls!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a lot going on in your life and I am glad you got your son register at the school. Famous quote of the day.

    Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
