Thursday, August 29, 2013

One of those days

Today started out as one of those days where everything was going wrong . I was scheduled to meet with a store manger to do his audit .he sends me a text as I am dropping my daughter off to tell me that he changed his schedule he is now working the night shift. Had I know this I would have just went home after dropping my son off and spent time with my daughter. So on my way back home i call the trouble maker because I have to audit her  as well . When I call her before I can mention anything she tells me that R did not do her audit. Like I said yesterday something seems real funny with her. I told her that I am doing it today, she then tells me she is getting visited by the district manger and the regional manager. oh and that she is off Friday so I need to do it next week. I said its due Friday so I will come after her visit . Once off the phone I call my boss because I feel like Z is going to skip out on me . My boss feels the same way and she also thinks Z is hiding something . She told me to tell her that we will do it next week both the HR and her will do it. I call Z to tell her this and she sounded uncomfortable . Oh well she would have been better off with me. 
So I go home because now I don't have to work until tonight. Well this week since its been raining so much my toilet has been slow to flush. This is what happens with having a septic tank. Warning stay away from houses that have septic tanks . Well today it is worse it won't go down at all. Now I am fearful of overflow. I calm my husband and he calls the professionals. I am not happy about this , just two months ago we paid $500 because something was wrong with it. The guy comes and does his thing and then he knocks on the door and here comes that curve ball. He calls me outside to show me something the concrete lid is broken and needs to be replaced and (long pause with huge sigh) he tells me to listen. You can hear running water constantly going into the tank. I must have a broken pipe somewhere. Well that explains the high water bills. I call my husband and my cousin who lives with me . The news upsets them, my husband just wants to move. We have been living here for a little over two years and we have been drowning financially over it. Another day i will have to explain how we came to this house and why we make the repairs. This problem will require a plumber to find out which pipe is broken. Just this job came up too $200. I had to write him a pre dated check. 
Today seemed like it would have been less stressful if I was at work. After running around town picking up my kids , I had to make a quick stop to the grocery store for dinner. I really do hate going to the store with both the kids. My son wants to push the cart and my daughter doesn't want to stay in. She begins crying more like screaming . I make the trip super short not in the mood to be dealing with this . Before going to work I managed to get homework and dinner completed .
It's 7 pm so on my way to work . For my first time doing the audit it went great. I didn't finish until after 10pm. Leaving the store I crank the music up , roles the windows down and enjoy my time to myself driving down South beach. It's Labor Day weekend so it's getting crowded with tourist. Who are putting on a great show of drunken behavior . Even though my ride is only 30 minutes long I enjoyed every bit of it. Sometimes you have to enjoy the simple things so that you can make through to the next day.

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