Friday, August 23, 2013


Today is my husband turn to take my son to school . I thought I would have the opportunity to sleep in , but my daughter had other plans for me. Bright and early as usual. Today I am nervous I'm hoping he brings a green , it is the last day of the first week. Before I could even make it to work I get a call from the store manger where I get paid from. Normally I don't mind getting calls from him, he is one of my favorites. But on Fridays not so much and then here goes life and its curve balls , he started to apologize that he forgot to pay me for last week. So in other words I only got half a paycheck . Well let me just get my sign out now. I think I need to post one on Pinterest in case anyone else needs one. Something simple like spare some change or will work for food. This has happend to me before so we already make an agreement that he will pay me out of the store . Unfortunately i won't be able to get it until Sunday .
 Off to work I go at the regional office , when I get there you know who is there. I'm a professional so I say hello and walk on by. The whole morning she makes it a point to avoid talking to me. The funny thing is , is that everyone notices this. When she leaves ,our boss comes up to me to mention something about it. She thinks she is just trouble. This childish behavior will effect her more than me. I had to meet my cousin today and I was bad ,I was gone for 2 1/2 hours . It was nice its been awhile for us to be together without the kids. But having that long break means I had to be at work a lot longer. I hate being in that building myself it creeps me out. It use to be an old bunker, so I asked one of my co-workers to stay behind. It was just the two of us and wouldn't you believe it the copier starts to go crazy. It was time to go , I couldn't get out of there fast enough. My husband calls me to let me know how my sons day went, he got a yellow . Of course I am disappointed again but at least it's not a red. The rest of the day went good we had take out and stayed in. We were determined to watch a movie, well only 4 minutes into the movie I was gone sandman paid a visit . Now with this new getting up super early business I am struggling to hang on during the night. How am I suppose to be the cool mom who had no trouble staying up until 2 in the morning and waking up refreshed . Instead I am someone who should be in zombie movies . Grr , grr I need to take your sleep . Well hopefully Saturday night I can hold on and have date night movie night with my hubs. 

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