Monday, August 12, 2013

The Unexpected

I was really looking forward to today, I was sure I would have the opportunity to sleep in. I took today as a vacation day since I didn't have anyone to watch the kids. The camp my son goes to is now over and my babysitter decided to go on vacation. Well since I didn't have to wake them up we all could just sleep in. Ha Ha!! that is not how life with kids work , my daughter decided to get me up bright and early , earlier than what we would normally wake up. Straddling me she begins to jump up and down saying wake up mommy. Did I mention she is just shy of two and she already does these things. But that wasn't enough for her, she felt like her big brother must be awake also. Waking up this early brings several problems, a groggy , cranky mother and a  5 year old who already is feeling the cabin fever itch. Right away its mommy when are we going to the pool you promised me , can we pick up Chris.  No I reply, mommy would like to do some chores. Light chores of course no deep cleaning with annoying children around. But I was satisfied with what I got done for now. The whining begins all over. I had it set in my mind that we would practice some school work today. School begins next week and I want a little refresher course for him. I explain that once we finish we can leave. Well we began around noon and finished a little after 3. It took us that long, he kept getting distracted by his little sister and needed several breaks. This is just one more reason that I must supplement his education. I must be the one to take time with the one on one, even if it takes 3 hours. So I'm glad I made that declaration last week of putting my flexibility at work to use. I am going to need all the time I can to juggle work, kids, husband and home life. Having an outside life , Pfft , must wait to later to figure that one out.

So we pick our cousin up , stop for pizza and head to the pool. It was much needed . The days have been really hot and Miami's humidity is nothing to joke about. Just ask my hair. The kids really enjoyed themselves. Afterward we went home to make rice krispies treat. I really do love cooking with them. It gives them a since of accomplishment. I think I like doing this since I really didn't cook with my parents. My father was the cook in the household and that was his domain. No one else's cooking or food was worthy enough for him. So I am self taught , Thank God for going to college for forcing me to fend for myself. If not for the Food network I don't know what I would be feeding my family. But I learned quick and now everyone likes to come over to  my house for dinner.

Lounging by the pool eating pizza

My little chefs making rice krispies treat

My husband today seemed down I suspect its over the life curve ball we experienced on Friday. Because today we can no longer ignore the immediate problems. We have to figure out a way to survive until next pay period. And Life and its curveballs seem to never cease , because this week majority of the major bills are due. My husband goes out outside to get the mail and we have a letter from the Light company. Oh no! he exclaims we just paid them , we are still behind but he thought we bought a little more time. But Life gives us an unexpected curveball , as he reads the letter he is in disbelief . He shows it to me and its a check, apparently they have been overcharging us. What a relief, I am going straight after work tomorrow to cash it and give it right back to them. This money could go towards paying half of the next bill. Hey, water company is there anything you would like to send me , because I definitely have a sneaky suspicious you are overcharging me.

Later that evening when I was taking my cousin home , I looked up at the sky and I was in awe of its beauty. Sometimes  you have to take these moments and truly appreciate what you have in your life.

What a view

1 comment:

  1. Good news, good news you got a check from fpl. That is great news to hear.
