Saturday, August 17, 2013

Visitation day

This morning when I awoke I noticed that I had received a text around 2:30 in the morning . It was my dear good friend who wanted to pay me a visit today. I was excited to see her we don't see each other often. even though we live in the same city only 10 minutes away from each other, life just gets in the way. I begin just going about my normal Saturday which is very zombie like. For some strange reasons my kids always decide to wake up extra early on the weekends . I will have pay back once they are teenagers. Of course my lovely husband gets the luxury of sleeping in until 11am. He gets up and pretty much scurries  out the door. He needs to get money so we can buy my son some school shoes and the rest of the school supply we need. He wants to go to sawgrass which is a huge outlet mall that's shape like an alligator. I call my friend and ask her would she liked to ride and she said yes. I was glad she decided to come. Later on she comes over with my precious god daughter who I haven't seen this whole summer. She is 8 1/2 and I am just amazed at the young lady she is turning out to be. My friend has truly done a great job in raising her. She gets to my computer in which she logs on to this lovely blog and makes the changes I need to it. I am not too tech savvy so I needed the help. Later we load up in my car which I felt so bad because they were completely squished back there. But we make the 30 Minute ride to wear we have to go. We get there and Of course it's crowded it's the last weekend before school starts. And today my daughter decided to be on her worst behavior , even after we rented the stroller that looks like a car for her. She eventually kept insisting on getting out . Well that wasn't going to happen we spent $6 on that thing and I was not going to be carrying around a squirming toddler. After about three hours there I was ready to go, we didn't even get the school supplies. Shopping with kids can truly drain the energy right out of you. We got back to the house but it was time for me to get ready to go to another engagement. I felt sad because this was not the day I hoped to spend with my friend. Hopefully very soon she will come over and I will make it up to her. Leave the kids with my husband and she and I have a girls day. I really wanted to enjoy tonight, so my parents watched my kids for me. This doesn't happen to often , they usually only watch my son but not my daughter . The explanation to this will have to be another day and time . So my husband gets to this party which is an hour away and they had tons of food set out . We are celebrating my friends son going away to the navy next week. I am very proud of him for making this decision . We had a great time I felt like I was in college all over again. They had Jell-O shots , beer pong and of course hunch punch. None of which I had since I don't drink at all but my husband enjoyed enough for the both of us. The only thing that would have made the night better would be to have left my kids at my parents to spend the night. But no that doesn't happen my husband doesn't believe our kids should be without us. I have to work on changing that it would have been nice to come home to a house by ourselves . Well we will see what happens in the future . 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had a great time a great time at the party.
