Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today was an all out frustrating day, this is what life had planned for me . First it started at my sons school, today I allowed him to get in the breakfast line by himself. He needs to get use to me not being able to help him. He chooses his own food and even remembers his PIN number. I wait to direct him to the table and when I looked down at his tray he had chosen pancakes and a granola yogurt parfait with nothing to drink. You would think the lunch people would take time to make sure he got something to drink . Instead they are to busy yelling and making the experience more frightening for the younger ones. Only about 5 minutes later a little old man begins walking around the room asking something. It's so loud you could barely make out what he is saying. I look back and I see my sons teacher is in the cafeteria . So I started to think may he is asking if anyone is in her class. By the time my son throws his food away , she is gone . I literally with some other parents had to run her down. This was very frustrating , because the thought crossed my mind what would of happened if I wasn't there. My son with a few of the other kids would have been waiting there until everyone left.No One heard this old man , why didn't they use a bull horn. 
Later it's time for work which I am regretting, I really wish I took this week off for vacation . Today is the day I train the new hires for the company since I took a vacation day yesterday. I am responsible for 2 areas which together consist of 39 stores . There are 4 trainers in our region. One of the trainers , she and I usually train together. She as well has 2 areas with 39 stores. When I say train together  it means I train while she sits on her lap top. She is very good at taking advantage of my niceness. But I let this happen because I welcome the company and she and I can vent our frustration together . Well for the past month she really hasn't been speaking with me much since apparently she is upset with me. That will require its own post to explain the childishness of a mid 40 something year old . Those that know us at your job think i shouldn't be bother by her , that I do all the work anyways . She is just using me. It is so bad that my boss even put on my evaluation that she wants us to do separate classes. Now with this new version of me at work , it really no longer bothers me that she is not talking to me. But what bothers me is that she stills speaks somewhat because she needs me. She hates teaching the new hire class . So she keeps wanting to know when i am having it so she can send her people. remember this new me is still a work in progress.Well she calls me only about 15 minutes before class starts to tell me she is coming late . This is nothing new I could never depend on her to be on time. She says she has a meeting to attend , she waits to the last minute to tell me this so that I don't rearrange the time. She then proceeds to tell me she only has 2 people to make it seem like its not a big deal. But it is I only have 3 and to come to find out she actually has three . Now I have to go through the whole hiring process , which would have gone faster if I just had my employees. Half way through the class she calls me to say she is done but needs to stop by one of her stores before coming. This makes no sense why not wait until the class is over . She again is taking advantage but she is always playing the victim . She does not get along with other trainers either. Ten minutes before class is over she calls to see how much I have to go , I explain I am at the end . So she says "oh ok I don't need to show up". I was furious, I am so over her. I know she will be calling me later on this week trying to find out when I am having my class for next week . I am purposely going to wait until Sunday to have her scramble about. Hopefully this will force her to do her own class because there is nothing more frustrating then dealing with phony people.
Today I was not able to pick my son up from school do to work but I did not want to place him just yet in aftercare . He would've only needed it for just a day and that is a waste of money. So my husband leaves work early to get the kids , I was able to go straight home after work. My husband didn't get a chance to ask the teacher how was his day since it was the security guard that booted him out the gate. But I rummage through his bag and I see a progress report from the teacher. She only has filled out Mondays date I don't know what happened to today's date. But it confirms my suspicion about what happend yesterday he received a yellow . Green for good , yellow for ok and red for bad. There is also a note of him talking to much and not being able to sit down. I sigh, first week already. I now remember during the meet and greet the teacher said that if the child received a green in their bag she would send home a little card with a green apple. And at the end of the week if they collected enough they were able to get an item from the treasure chest. Since I didn't know what color he received today , I ask my son where is his green apple he said he was the only one that didn't get one . Oh! What to do its only the second day. I am trying real hard to be optimistic about it , I think I really am going to have to make a standing appointment for every Friday . I will wait to see how tomorrow went before emailing her. 

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