Sunday, August 11, 2013

Baby Shower

At what I felt like was the crack of dawn , I awoke and got kids and husband up to get ready. Today we were going to a baby shower and it started at 11am. I know who schedules' these things on a Sunday so early.  Where this place is located it will take me over 30 minutes to get there. So I am scurrying around getting clothes , packing bags, and making homemade oatmeal bars to eat Strawberry Oatmeal Bars ( I added chocolate chips). They came out pretty good. My husband of course is dragging his feet , he is the main cause after the kids for always  making me late. I still have to pick up my mother, who of course was making a last minute shopping dash. She really wants to get them more things and is planning on buying more later. We are excited to go because we feel like we have been apart of every step of their life as a couple . My mother met the mother and dad to be at her job. That's how the two met and fell in love. Once the mother to be left the job to join the police force , her own mother came to work for the company. She and my mother became very fast friends. About 4 years ago we were invited by dad to be , to a birthday party for mom-to-be , but we all knew it was a surprise engagement. It was a beautiful thing to be part of. From there we where at Bridal shower, wedding, first baby shower to their daughter, christening , and 2 birthdays. Its been really nice to be part of these important things in their life.  And for the most part they have been part of ours as well.

With my husbands crazy driving we only made it about 35 minutes late. It was in a banquet hall and it was decorated beautifully. She was really able to carry out the whole Monster Inc. theme. We played several games and even won a few. Seeing the way things where , gave me ideas on how I want to set up decorations for my daughter's birthday.
Candy Table

Table decorations with cute cookies, and jars of candy. (I got to take the centerpiece home)
My husband dressed up like a baby for a game. Poor thing he seems to always have this part at baby showers.
My mom with the beautiful mom-to-be, showing off her winnings
 We leave the baby shower about 3 pm, we had a really good time. My son who was begging to go home with grandma got his wish. He never wants to be in the house anymore. So all I had was my daughter who was tuckered out and fell asleep during the car ride. Unfortunately , she woke up about 20 minutes after we got home. so hubby and I decided to take turns taking a nap . And here goes Life 's curve ball I couldn't even enjoy my nap because the phone rings and it's my boss. She is hysterical because someone hasn't completed their training and today is the last day. So of course she gets me all riled up and I assure her we will be ok. She knew exactly what that meant , but she replies are you sure you can do it, its made for a certain position. Yes , I say I will figure it out like I do anything else. I log onto my computer and yes I know I said I wouldn't put the extra effort but I would never hear the end of this. Remember we get blamed for things that we don't have control over. So here on my Sunday I am working and it takes me two hours to get the work completed. With my daughter tugging at me the whole time for my attention. It's moments like this I hate , I am having family time , resting or doing other things and she changes my whole mood. But at least crisis was averted.

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