Saturday, August 10, 2013

Feeling Normal and being blessed!

Today's Life curve ball was a good one, it let me feel normal if even for a day. I was able to do things I haven't been able to do in awhile. Today I loaded the kids up in the car went over to pick up my mom and my little cousin and off we went to Babies"r"us to buy a gift for a baby shower we are attending tomorrow. On the way there we witness the weirdest thing. An SUV that was several feet in front of us slowed down but was still in motion and then all of a sudden a man was pushed out of the car. I mean he literally rolled onto the street while the car was still moving and the car speed off. My husband and I looked at each other in disbelief at what we saw. My mother was in the back with kids so she missed what actually happened. The guy was sitting on the floor trying to put back on his shoes that fell off and looking at the scrapes he received. My husband pulls up and asked him if he was o.k. . With this embarrassing look on his face, he said he was fine. From what it looked like he might have been arguing with probably a girlfriend that got upset and literally kick him out the car. Now that we realized he was fine we both began laughing as we drove away. Only imagining what he must have done to piss her off so much.

We get to Babies "r"us and proceed to get our registry list ,its huge 22 pages long. My mom is one of those people you really don't want to shop with she is very indecisive and makes something simple very frustrating. We look on the list and we see a baby tub its about $60 dollars, it gives the baby's weight and the temp on a digital screen. Awesome I thought ,because I always wanted to know my kids weight but refused to buy a baby scale separately to take up more space in the house. My mom thought the price to be a little hefty since we had a budget to work with. She is one of those people who believe if she buys you the tub she must get the towels, rag, robe, and bath supply set. This can add up pretty quickly. I told her I thought it was weird to see that tub because last night , I glanced online at the registry and saw a different tub. Sure enough we check the last page on the list and someone had purchased the cheaper tub. My mom was like she is not buying the tub there is no point in having two. So now this is where it becomes complicated my mom can't decide what to get. She doesn't want to buy  one big item she wants to  buy one medium item with lots of smaller items. So I show her the room décor they are asking for, its Monster Inc. It's very cute but very expensive, the wall decals alone are $30 dollars. So after about two hours , kids running the store screaming and now complaining of hunger we were not able to get the room décor. They were completely out of stock and you could not order it online. The line was in process of being discontinued soon. So finally with hesitation we left with a expensive bouncer and a tub with diapers and wipes.

It felt really good to be able to get them something nice they are truly good friends of ours and are the nicest people you will ever meet. After making sure we feed the kids, off to Old Navy to buy school uniforms. I can't explain how grateful I was to do this, as of two days ago I had no idea how I would come up with the money to buy what my son needed for school. Thankfully two things happen one of my best friends on Friday managed to buy my son a couple of shirts to lessen the amount I had to buy. I cannot explain the gratitude I have towards her for doing that. Just the thought makes my eyes water and my heart swell. She and I are like kindred spirits because just a week ago she was not sure how she was going to get her 4 kids their school clothes. I still needed to get my son a couple more shirts and some pants because I learned jeans at his school are not allowed. Don't understand the reasoning of the no jeans but there is nothing I can do about it. The only reason I was able to shop at Old Navy is because my beautiful mother last night opened a credit card with them. Being in that store shopping for my son , choosing what I wanted felt like old times. I felt so normal doing that , I remember being able to do that before with no ones help. I was able to get 5 pants 2 shorts, and 6 more shirts, I was even able to throw in a pair of flip flops. I got all of this and spent only $95 dollars.
What a relief I had that's one more thing I do not need to worry about especially since the Life curve ball I experienced yesterday is going to be affecting me for the next two weeks. 

Later we ended up on the other side of Miami close to the beach , very nice area. My husband stopped off at a Dollar tree. It was humongous the ones in the city are small and really don't have much merchandise and are usually pretty messy. I got excited about being in there they had lots of party decorations that I will be buying in the soon future instead of going to party city and breaking the bank. While there they had a whole school supply section with workbooks just for a dollar. I was amazed because I bought some books before and spent about $10 a piece on them. Now I know it sounds like I never been in a Dollar tree but I have its just been along time since I've been in one so nice and big. And its weird how Life and its curveballs always come unexpected, this one was not a bad one but a much needed one. In that school supply aisle I met a teacher who teaches forth grade. She was telling us how she is not excited to have the school year back in session. I give her this look of fear , this is what worries me about public school. She says her school is an F school. My husband ask her what does she recommend private or public. She says it depends, not all private schools are good. Which I have already experienced but she then says if you go to public school try to go get into a good one in a good area. Why my husband asks makes the difference , its the parents that make the difference she explains. In a good neighborhood the parents are vested in their kids education they understands that education does not only happen at school but also at home. And if their child is struggling they finds ways to get their children extra help. She explains that because her a school is an F school the resources they have are not as good and the parents are not as involved with the kids education. One of her past students could barely read by the time she got to her, and simplest words like you and then. When she spoke with the mother she became very hostile and said nothing was wrong with her child. Sometimes when she is checking their homework assignments and they completely get it wrong she asks if they asked their parents for help. She was shocked that most said the parents did it for them. Hearing this made me worry a little but this is the reason I went through such lengths to get my son enrolled in a good public school. When asked what are some things we need to make sure to do with our son , she really gave great tips. We spoke with her for over 45 minutes. It was a pleasure meeting her and a very important life conversation to have.

As I am writing this post , I receive a text from one of my other best friend of 16 years she is the God mother to my son. She asks me if I needed help in  getting my son school uniforms and school supplies. I told her uniforms are  covered but I still need things like a book bag , lunch bag and school supplies. She already has a book bag in mind a Superman one. She knows my son likes Superman. He is in that super hero and bad guy phase. So here again less things I have to worry about.  I wasn't blessed with a life of riches but I was blessed with some great people in my life. They complete me as a whole, we look out for each other.

So my blessing for today are for my kids who make my life interesting every moment, for  my husband who loves me unconditionally, for my mom who is my first best friend and my rock, to my girls Aisha and Andrea, though we are not connected by blood there is no stronger bond than the one we have.

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