Friday, September 6, 2013

Just another day

Due to me trying to fix my schedule so that I can pick my son up from school , on Fridays I am now forced to have classes. Usually I either work from home or work out of the regional office. My husband this morning had to go get a new tire for his car so extra money ,since it wasn't  just a simple flat. Today is pay day and as usual it's gone. My poor husband is already negative in his account. But no time to worry I am running late to work and I have to stop at one of my other stores first. 
My husband calls me later to let me know he needs to go to Walmart what should he get , I tell him to buy our  daughter birthday presents since she is turning two tomorrow. When I get home and he shows me the gifts, I was not happy with most of it. Not that they we're bad but they weren't what I would buy. So now tomorrow we have to exchange them. I really want her to have some Doc Mc stuffins things. It's one of her favorite cartoons. We ended up saying home an it was a very boring Friday. We are not creative enough to make it exciting. Being broke really does suck.. My husband decided at night to change the oil in the car and my son happily helped. my daughter wanted in on the action but it wasn't much she could do. There is nothing more i love then seeing my husband and the kids together. Very sexy ;). So that's my day, But at least I have to look forward to tomorrow , not sure we are going to do but it will have to be exciting. 
My grease Monkey's

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