Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rosh Hashanah

Today there is no school due to a holiday . So in trying to save an extra $50 on babysitting fees, I decided to stay home with the kids . Sometimes the decision we make for money may not always be the best. Because even though I was home I still had to work. And every 5 seconds my son kept asking me if we were going anywhere and my daughter just wanted to play with my lap top. Getting work done was very difficult. My close friend dropped off her son later on which was great because now the kids had someone to play with. So I had three kids to deal with today . 
Today I also got a visit from my friend Lulu she was coming to pick up the copies of her book I made her. Sadly since school has started I haven't gotten the chance to finish reading it. I am still working out this sleeping pattern. We got a chance to talk and catch up on what's been happening over the past few weeks . This is the most we have seen each other on a constant basis. I really like it, I have been saying I need to be better at socializing more . I pretty much don't get the opportunity to really spend time with my friends or my extended family. I am going to try and work on it. 
Tonight my mom gives me a call and she is upset . Financially she is doing bad , partly well Hell mostly because of me. She will never say it but its true. She has been carrying me for a long time now by helping me pay the mortgage . But she hasn't been able to do it anymore, so she is behind 3 months and they are starting the foreclosure process . She at moment is the owner of the house we live in. She came to be the owner  because 3 1/2 years ago her beautiful baby sister , my aunt died suddenly at the age of 36 from a pulmonary embolism. She left behind a teenager, my cousin who ended up living me with.  At the time it was ok my son was only 2 and sleeping in my bed. So we all fit in my tiny 2 bedroom apartment.  But later on when I became pregnant with my daughter we no longer had the space ,we needed something bigger so that my kids could have their own room. And my cousin needed his own space. Well we first tried to get a 3 bedroom in our complex but we couldn't . It was an income restricted apartment and I no longer qualified because  I exceeded the amount. So I had to look else where so now without income restriction the cheapest place we could find for a 3 bedroom was $1600. But before we could do that there was some last minute changes , the lady that was originally renting my aunts house suddenly had to move . So my mom ask if we could move in and we would only have to pay $1000. Ok we decided not happily , I never like the house , but our lease was up and we had to move . We would just do this for a year(which we are now on our second year)Well during that first year every thing that could affect us financially happened and on top of that we had a new baby. So more bills comes with new baby. And unfortunately we are not one of those family where I could stay home to save money. Why? Because I am the bread winner and that is not saying much. This house also turned out to be a money pit , light bill triple for us because this house is  old and has no insulation. Water bill which I never had before is ridiculous in price, suspect because of leak somewhere . It's just horrible! So while this was happening my cousin tried to help us with the insurance money he recieved . Which I will admit we didn't manage properly. Husband and I are not good at managing or saving money. Well this year we have been struggling to pay the mortgage. So my mom has basically been borrowing money from Paul to Mary to try her best to help us. Both at the same time life has been giving her, her own curve balls. So what to do I cannot lose my aunts house . How could I look my cousin in the face and say all the money we borrowed from you and we are going to lose your house. I am upset , scared , panicky. Because where would my kids and I live. Most kids when struggling this bad have the opportunity to move back home to get on their feet. I don't have that. Which is what I have needed more than just the help of paying mortgage. But my mom has her other sister and her two kids living with her. They have been there since 2006 and they are not going anywhere. The rest of that story will have to be for another day. I would have moved but that requires money. Being in the lower middle class really sucks. Getting paid a little more really isn't worth it getting paid a lot more is. What's the reason I say this is from experience , you don't qualify for the nice income restricted places so you have to pay more to live somewhere else. You don't qualify for tuition for private schools so you have to pay. By the end of you having to pay more on everything you end up having way less than the little more money you now have. So now I have to figure out very quickly how am I going to solve my problem. 

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