Friday, September 20, 2013

Meetings(Wednesday blog)

Today I had attend a meeting for one of my areas. My boss was also going so it seemed for for me to show up. My boss is one of those people who feel she needs to at least see or hear from you on a weekly basis. With the work we do it is really not necessary. This area out of the two I have is my favorite . I actually came from there in my career. The district manager is the one who gave me a chance to move up with the company. He is one of those people that all his stores managers like him and do not want to let him down . The meeting was very energetic. At one point the district manager and my boss both had to step out of the room to get on a conference call. The DM leaves me in charge , that wasn't smart. I am pretty close to all the store managers so we we t crazy in there . We couldn't stop laughing , when they came back the DM ask if they completed their assignment . All together we all bust out laughing . So he was like what really happened then all you hear is someone say what happens here stays here. 
Later on he took us out to lunch , of course I was being greedy an had to go. I  acted as if I didn't have a child to pick up from school and I was far away. Once I got my food I left. I swear I was doing like 90 miles to get there on time and find parking. Even though I was on time I had to park far away. Today was early release day do. This was triple the amount of parents. 
In the evening i had another buisness to attend , this one was for my business. I took a friend of the family that works with my husband . We were suppose to go for an hour for the English portion but stayed for 2 1/2 . The speaker for the Spanish portion has been selling amway for 10 years and he earns 1million a year. She was saying how she came to this country with nothing and this company is what got her to where she is today. I truly would like to be able to say that someday . Again I leave this meeting pumped up and feeling like I can do this . I have been really slow to start but I just have to go at my speed . Also money is an important factor . It hard to convince people to buy if they can't sample. Hopefully between this paycheck and next I will get a little supplies. Especially because now insee how the products work. I can stand by the brand. Would really like to be making that kind if money within the next few years. We'll see but I am going to need all the help I can get . Don't forget I have my link on the homepage on this blog. Please stop by you won't be disappointed . 

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