Saturday, September 21, 2013

Daily double

Today I didn't make it to the Redbull flutag. I was to hot and did not want to be out in the sun all day. Also I was tired, even though my husband promised me he would wake up when my daughter woke up he didn't. It took him an hour to realize my daughter was awake. But I was determined to sleep in so I stayed in the room until she finally woke him up. He finally left the room with her and I was relieved back to sleep I would go. But 20 minutes later he and my daughter left the house and my son woke when he heard the door. So much for getting sleep. I told my husband that my son usually isn't far behind waking up after my daughter is up. My husband takes awhile and comes back home with breakfast. Which was great because I didn't want to cook, not after yesterday's party.
So today we decided to go to Old Navy to exchange some clothes my daughter received on her birthday that are too small. She is a two year old wearing 3T clothes. She is getting so tall. My husbands cousins drove down and we got a chance to spend time with them. On the way there I witness my Daily Double.
I am sure you know how I feel rainbows are a sign of good things . Well today on my way to the mall with the family, I got an extra treat. I witness for the first time ever a double rainbow. Also it's been a while since I have seen a full rainbow. And here I am seeing two at the same time . It's was gorgeous , I was in the car with my cousins and they were so excited to see that same thing. It was so big that we pulled over on the expressway to try and take a picture of it. The car ones didn't capture the whole thing. The funny thing is that we weren't the only one to do this . When we got off the expressway we actually drove under the rainbow and it was so exciting.

At Old Navy of course they don't have the clothes in her size. I wanted to get the exact outfits but it was either too small or too big. I manage to get only 2 things the same. So I started to get different things, then I saw clearance I couldn't pass that up. I knew I would spend a little extra but somehow I ended up adding $50 extra to the amount. What was I thinking I can't afford to spend that right now. But I my pride was too embarrassed to tell the cashier to take things out. So now next week I will probably convince myself to return some  items. I did figure out why I spent so much , I finally looks at the price of the leggings and they were almost $9 a piece and I got three. Later went to the bookstore and it didn't turn out the way I wanted. My son saw one of those Smithsonian science project and it was really cool. It was a fuel cell car , and I thought what a great project his father could do for him. he runs of to show my husband and when he turns to look for the price (ready to be astounded) it was $120. Isn't that crazy for a little box with some parts. My son was disappointed as well as I. I like that is was educational and something he was interested in.  But at that price a bill could be paid. Also his birthday is this up coming Friday and if I got that , that would be his only gift. Which he would not be excited about. All will be forgotten when he is opening presents. We shall see.

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