Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mini hurricane

Started the day bright and early ;of course not by choice. I look over  at my husband with such anger because he's sound asleep. The kids never bother him. He ends up sleeping in until eleven . I can't help but be jealous maybe one day I will just throw a bucket of water on him and ruin his sleep. Well after an hour of the kids and I up and about I decided to make breakfast. I hadn't gone grocery shopping yet so I had to be creative. I make southern style cheesy grits,and  two different kinds of sausage. Now lets talk about the eggs , I only had three eggs left but I would just have to stretch it out . While I was cooking my son asked me to make him strawberry milk, which he guzzled down. He came back asking for more , at this point I had cracked all three of my eggs in a bowl. I guess do to lack of sleep and focus I scooped in the strawberry powder into the eggs. Not just once, No!no! Not twice but three times before I noticed what I was doing.All I saw was the powder sinking into the bottom of the bowl.  I ruined the only eggs I had. Can you imagine if I didn't catch myself. Hmm , maybe strawberry eggs wouldn't be bad. Don't worry I threw them away but not before taking a picture of it. 
Almost gone to where I wouldn't notice
Green eggs and ham , huh pink eggs and milk . That's much better , Dr. Seuss

I wanted to run to the store but before that could happen the mini hurricane began. As soon as I saw the lighting strike , I knew thunder wasn't far behind. So I walk towards my kids because they are afraid of the sound . Before I could reach my daughter , boom and it rattled the whole house. My daughter was so scared that she got up to run towards me but she couldn't . She had socks on and with my tiled floor she looked like something out of a cartoon. She just kept running in place , it was so adorable . She just leaped in my arms. I picked her up and went towards my son and seconds after that a even louder one cracked and went rumbling threw the house . So here I am hugging the two of them and here comes my husband running scared , now hugging on me . So I guess I am the thunder protector. I spent majority of the day on the sofa with both kids on me . The lights turned on and off , the wind howled and I loved it. I opened my curtains and just watched as Mother Nature did her job. Seeing lightning strike in the sky is a beautiful sight to see . As long as it strikes somewhere else. Later on my son and I began working on his science project . We were able to get through 3 of the 5 senses. Will show picture when it's all done.

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