Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today started out as a drama filled day . When I was dropping my daughter off to the babysitter she began crying . This is unusual she loves going to the babysitter . She wasn't just crying a little cry it was one of those heart wrenching crys. All I wanted to do was hug her and never let her go, but I had to ;off too work I must go . Today I was schedule to work further south so I was trying a new direction to try and beat traffic. Silly me that wasn't going to happen it took me an hour to get there. I scheduled my class to start at 10am when usually it's at 11am. I want to start them as early as possible so I can  get out early enough to get my son. I am trying to avoid paying aftercare. This shouldn't be a problem but it is. It takes me 30 minutes just to reach my babysitter and depending on where I am going it can take over an hour to get to work from her. She use to live right by me until she moved very far . I know I could try and find someone else but she has been my babysitter for almost 6 years. Also when I don't have the money to pay her in time she understands. A daycare would not be so forgiving. But next year I am going to have to make the change because I am no longer saving money. The gas, my time , and now having to pay for aftercare. It's not worth it and she isn't that cheap . Also as much as I love her she doesn't take the time to show my daughter anything . And I regret that with my son . I feel that's the reason why I am having such a hard time with my son. But that flexibility she offers with schedule and pay at this moment is what I can handle . Today I had a huge class and its was a very talkative bunch. The class went over 2 hours more than I expected . Luckily my cousin was able to get my son. Well during the last hours of work I receive a phone call, one that you never every hope to get in your life . I wish I could go into details but i cant. it was a call that could have come straight out of law and order or that 48 hours show. I begin to panic but I try to hold my composure for my class. I was just trembling it felt like every nerve in my body was shaking. Later on thank god the situation was resolved and it was a false alarm. 
Later in the evening it was open house at my sons school. My darling daughter of course decided to misbehave  my husband had to walk out so that everyone could hear the teacher. She lets us know that she has the biggest kindergarten class in the school and the biggest she has ever had. There are 26 students to her one , she has no helper. This is crazy and all of the kids books haven't come yet so she has been printing things from online to do with the kids. This school is located in a very expensive neighborhood where even if you could afford the homes usually the taxes forces you to sell. So what happens in the neighborhoods where the taxes are a lot less how do those schools make it through with the funding they have. Once she is done I go looking for my husband, he seems so fustrated . He's always left out of these things Beause of my daughter . So I tell him i will take her if he could go in and have a talk with the teacher about how our son is doing. He likes this idea it makes him feel like he is being involved . But it's short lived because the teacher is explaining that my son doesn't like to focus and pay attention. She believes he chooses not to listen. I agree I know my son. His teacher has been doing this for awhile she started out teaching learning disable kids for 11 years . And then doing grades from kindergarten to 4th grade. She said she decided on kindergarten when  she taught 4 th because she had several students that couldn't read or write. She said she rather teach foundation so that doesn't happen again. Even in kindergarten you are expected to be able to read sight words, write and do some math. In her class she had about 5 students that are not able to write their name yet. So luckily in this school they have intervention where that child goes to extra tutoring during the day. This shows you how important it is for a child to go to pre-k if you don't have the ability to homeschool. We also found  out that out of 50 elementary schools our school is number 2 and an A school. Number one is a magnet school , I am glad to hear this. At least I chose a good public school . The first good news I heard all day. 

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