Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Working hard

Today I woke up late , which is the one thing I didn't want today. I was going to the regional office a I wouldn't be there all  day. I would be leaving at 12pm so that I can have time I pick up my daughter and son from school. And of course when you are in a rush what happens, rain. Now everyone is driving at a glacial pace. I get there and the office is pretty empty only about 5 employees. That was great for me . I could take up both Printers.  I was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. I left 30 minutes late and was worried I wouldn't make it in time to pick my son off. I debated should I even get my daughter now or later. Too save gas I decided now so through the rain I am driving like a bat out of hell. With all this rushing I got there 25 minutes early. Only me I tell you , stressing out for nothing. Now I have to get home to work in homework . It took forever mg daughter feels like she can help my son. So later to distract her I opened her tea set she received on her birthday . She instinctly knew what to do with it. But of course what is a tea party without guess so I had to get on the floor and drink tea . I love it , these are the great things about having a girl. 

Unfortunately the quality time had to be cut short. Soon as my husband got home I ended having to go back into work. The manager from yesterday wanted me there to help write the problem employee up. People really do amaze me . This girl was acting like she never did anything really wrong. Afterwards the manager was telling me that all get employees have a hard time coming on time to work. So I told her when she does her schedule next week to schedule each one 30 minutes later and if they are still late they are intentionally doing it. Once she realizes this , then it will be time to write them up. 
I was able to get home in time to read my son a story before bed. My daughter is a hot mess. She wanted my attention and did not want to hear the story , but my son was really into today. She got so mad that she just stood there with this look that could burn a whole through you. It's crazy how much attitude she already has.

At this point I still didn't have dinner on the table. I am so glad I am the queen if last minute 30 minute meals. Also that my kids don't eat what we eat. The problem is that my husband and I always late at night and I cook two separate dinners. I can't wait until the picky phase is over so I can save on grocery and time . 

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