Friday, September 13, 2013

Annual check up

Woke up early this morning it was my turn today to get my son dressed. Usually my husband does this and it buys me an extra 20-30 minutes of sleep. But Fridays he is off so the plan was to let him sleep in. Well of course that didn't work out my daughter woke up the moment I left the bed. Yes I co sleep with my daughter. Not out of some need for her choose when  to leave my bed. It began out of lazy reasons. It was easier to breast feed her at night from my bed. And now I am paying the price she is extremely attached. But I am working on changing that . First I have to get my son out of my room and into his. Yes my daughter was not  the only child i co slept with. You would think I wouldn't make the same mistake twice . But that's not my style , I swore it would be different . Ha !! Silly me it's worse. So my poor husband ends up waking up because I had to work today. But this morning I seemed to be in a good mood . After dropping my son off to school , I still had 2 hours before my class started. So I decided to go back home and I made breakfast. I only do this on the weekend so it was not the norm. It was nice sitting down with my husband and having a conversation without having to rush to work. All that was missing was the morning paper. 
At work I only had two employees to train which made me happy. I wanted to leave early , my daughter had her annual doctors appointment today. Originally I wasn't going , my husband was taking her. There was this tiny little voice in my head and it was my mother . She was telling me that I know how important this appointment is and that I need to go. So I managed  to get out early to go with them. Not only is this her annual but we have been having some concerns about my daughter for over 4 months. She went from eating everything off your plate to basically starving herself. She won't eat anything. In the first month I didn't take her to the doctor about this. I thought it was due to the cold , and then to her teething. After 6 weeks of it and even my babysitter now concerned , I took her to the doctor . It was horrible they needed two vials of blood from her. and instead of getting it from a needle , they gashed her finger (not pricked) and squeezed out the two vials. She screamed the whole time. But that wasn't the worst part , they needed a urine sample . My daughter is not potty trained yet so they had to do a cath on her. My husband couldn't watch he stepped out of the room. And I thought men are suppose to be the strong one , i guess not when it comes to their baby girl. It took 3 of us to hold her down , the doctor said she is incredibly strong.  They ran test but found nothing wrong which is good but then you question what then is the problem. They gave us two more weeks to see if there was any changes. It did a little she would take small bites of food but nothing drastic. So I let it go I knew she would be having her annual in the next 2 months and we would really see then. Well now it's time and there has been no changes she is actually going back to not eating at all. Also now she barely uses the bathroom. Her diaper that I place on her when she comes out the bath doesn't need to be changed until 2 hours after she wakes up. 
My daughter is not happy to be here she now hates going to the doctor. She was traumatized the last time. They weigh her and see she has gained a pound and gotten taller . So they have no concerns. Now I am frustrated I know my child something is not right. The doctor tells me she is not dehydrated since she is producing tears. Ok great why is she now producing urine. Why am I only going through 2-3 diapers for the whole day. She then tells me well she is growing ,ok ! yes because i breast feed her. She is getting some nutrients in her body. Finally and wait for this she says my daughter is spoiled and my husband and I need to go on a break from her at least a week. That she needs a break from us. I inform her the wont happen my husband doesn't believe in the kids not being with us . My kids do not even spend the night at families house. She said then take a weekend. I was confused I wasn't sure what that had to do with my daughter not eating. I know I need to ween her off the breast, but most days she goes 6-8 hours without being with me. And she still doesn't eat . I am just going to keep watching her closely . If her mood begins to change , I will just have to get a second opinion. Not something I really wanted to do since we had been with our  pediatrician since my son was a baby. But i'm her mother and I must do what it is necessary. 
Later that evening I call my great aunt to wish her happy birthday and to see how she is doing . Poor thing she had surgery two days ago for a torn rotator cuff. She just got released this evening and is in a lot of pain . She needed her prescription filled so I ran and got  it from her then ran to the pharmacy before it closed. She was so happy , and after 20 minutes of taking it she begin to slur her words. My mom , cousin and my aunt came by too wish her happy birthday . Got some nice slices of homemade cake. Just in case you don't know I have a horrible sweet tooth. My aunt stays in neighborhood not far from me. It is really becoming a trendy area. The lot next to her has been turned into a neighborhood garden. Even with her place they have this little Parisian looking area . I can imagine sitting there just having my coffee and croissant. Need to build one of these for me. 
Yeah I could just see it. I just got to get the right wardrobe for this. 

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