Saturday, September 28, 2013

World War z

As usual I woke up very early on this Saturday because of my daughter. And my son follows behind her. I don't think I would mind so much waking up early if it was by myself. Then at least I could enjoy time to myself. I can't wait to my son and I really get the hang of this homework schedule and I am able to balance time spent between my kids and my husband. I can truly admit I haven't balanced my husband in yet. So thats the next thing I really have to work on. After that I am finally going to  try and schedule some me time , I would really like to use that time to possibly exercise. I am not satisfied with my weight and want to do something about. Its more for health reasons as well as being a good example to my kids . My husband wakes a few hours later and I tell him that I just want to lay down for a second . Ha.. 2 hours later I wake from my unscheduled nap , sometimes the body forces you to rest even when you don't want too. My son right away starts to harass me , cabin fever is setting in on him . We were originally suppose to go to a family BBQ in palm beach but because of my nap it set my time behind . I still had several really important errands to run and by the time I finished it would be too late for me to go. Normally it's not a problem but the host was not able to host us late because of a prior engagement. Maybe next time, I was disappointed not to have gone it would have felt like a Mini vacation because of the drive. I guess since my family hadd always driven to their vacations since I was a child , long distance driving doesn't bother me. It actually soothes me.  
Later on I decided to go and visit my parents . Partly for visitation partly because I wanted them to watch my kids for like 3 hours while my husband and I spent time together . That did not pan out my mom wasn't in the mood. I understood she rarely has time for herself and the financial stress is weighing heavy on her . Also She is too busy playing or being mother for other family members and that can be draining. Our family dynamic is one of a strong bond and a blurred responsibility lines. My mom is the matriarch of the family and has been for a long time . I use to believe it was my great grandmother but looking back that role got past to my mom at an early age. Maybe it was because she was a young mother herself but a responsible one. My mother never depended on the government or anyone besides my father for help . They struggle and survived it together. So even though I am an only child my parents ended up raising my moms two sisters and eventually and currently their children. My mom has never stopped this process. Usually once your kids are grown you get a moment of reprieve to be yourself. So that when grand kids come around you are able to spend that time with them without feeling so worn out .  My mom is like super family mom , she works full time , spends time with my cousins having movie nights with them. She also manages to speak for hours with my grandfather and my uncle who is currently stationed in Kuwait . She visits occasionally my great aunt and my great uncle two different households. And even then she wishes she could be there more . Sometimes I wish that I could be this way and I am sure she wishes I could as well to help alleviate some of the responsibility . But right now I can't I barely visit my parents and right now my kids are young and I have to focus on them .  I am going to try and make an effort to get a little better maybe once a month visits but I am not going to stress over it. Because sometimes people need to call and visit me as well. 
We didn't stay over too long I wanted to get the kids to bed on time so that I could at least have movie night at home. 
We would be watching World War z . It was a great movie . Then my husband starts comparing it too what's going on in Syria. Now here I am laying in bed blogging because he officially scared the shit out of me. Hopefully I won't dream of any zombies coming after me.

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