Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Conference meeting(Tuesday blog)

Today is conference meeting day at work which means I had to wake up earlier than normal. I was there at my son school waiting for the doors to open. Poor child he seems so tired. Of course as usual when you are in a rush everything must go wrong. Several accidents and severe traffic ; today is one of those meeting where if you are on time you are late. By some miracle and a little extra speeding , ok ok a lot of speeding I got there 15 minutes early. The meeting was located at a very nice and fancy Marriott we also had a dress code . Ridiculous I know we had to wear red shirts and black pants. Once in the building I had no idea where I was going , then I spotted a red shirt up the stairs. So instead of asking for directions I followed the red shirt . So several flights of stairs later I found the room . I could barely say hello , I had to try really hard to control my breathing . All I wanted to do was lay on the floor and just die. We were told that breakfast would begin at 8:15am and the meeting at 9:30 so with that time  difference I was expecting a seriously good breakfast. All that was there was some pastries, fruit , granola and yogurt . The mangers were not happy about this . When they attend their district meetings they get the works. But I have been told regional manager is cheap. Don't know why since the company reimburses his money back. The meeting was huge we had over 130 in attendance . We had about 4 speakers the first two were very lively the others literally put us to sleep. At least lunch was better it was an Italian smorgasbord with several different desserts as well. But you shouldn't put the boring people after lunch. I looked around and I could see some of the mangers heads bobbing up and down trying to fight sleep. At my table i had one of my supervisors for my area. It was awkard , he kept trying to start a conversation. This person i can barely tolerate . No one truky likes him So as soon as it was over I tried to be one of the first ones out the door . But some how I got behind, apparently some left 5 minutes before it was over . Now valet was taking forever. We received a sticker to valet out tickets and even with that I ended up paying $10. Does this company remember how much they pay us , they should have paid for our valet . 
I got home late due to me missing my connection and having to go the longer way home. My cousin picked my son up for me but has not had my son do any homework. So I had no time for downtime for myself . I needed him to get his homework done and dinner on the table. My husband comes late since he picked up my daughter . We are now having a hard time having that quality husband and wife coversation about our day. Once he bathed the kids he was off to my parents to help with their Internet. By the time he got back home it was bed time. We really don't do date night but I think it is time to have one. Hopefully we can get one soon . Usually we would just stay up late to talk to each other but since we wake up so early we can no longer hang to stay up . I guess that is what comes with age. Tomorrow I will be at another meeting this one smaller since its district specific . I really do hope we get out early so I can spend time with my daughter. And have time to allow my son to ride bike. He really is an out doorsy child . Which I would like to keep it that way. I really would like to buy a bike for my husband and myself so we can do family bike riding . My husband and I are over weight and out of shape . I don't want this to be the example for our kids . On both sides of our family we have weight problems , I don't want my kids to struggle with this. I know I need to start now but I do have to wait until I get my schedule more consistant to start working out . I originally two months ago was going to cross fit and even though I was in pain , I felt great. I can't wait to start it up again. When that time comes I will post pictures of my progress. But for now I acknowledge I am not super woman and have to do things one at a time. 

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