Friday, September 27, 2013

Glutton (Thursday blog )

Off to the office today ,excited because my boss is not going to be there. I don't have to explain why I have to leave early. I don't want her to know its for my son because that only brings up more questions .  She is going to be in Key West with one of the other trainers. I wish I could have gone but now that my sons in school , I have to keep buisness trips to a minimum . Before going in I treat myself again to some McDonalds iced coffee . I really miss having Starbucks but the price is just ridiculous. After about 20 minutes of being there one of the other trainers is in the mood for donuts . She wants me to ride along with her she promises I will enjoy it that it's better than Krispy Kreme . The place is called Dandee donuts the donuts they have are cake like. She is treating me to the donuts so she tells me to pick half a dozen. I chose flavors like cake crumb, chocolate honey glazed, chocolate frosted with lemon filing. They were really good but not better than Krispy Kreme. I guess they are in a different type of category. About an hour after we got back who strolls through the door my boss . Ugh .. Why was she here.  Apparently she had a migraine and couldn't go on the trip. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind seeing her I just don't want her to start thinking why do I always leave early when I am at the office . But no time to worry I have a short time to get a lot of work completed. And instead of things going smoothely I find two problems. These problems will cause me to miss points. Now I am glad my boss is here . She is upset because these store mangers promoted these people without our permission and without making sure the training was complete. Saturday the measurement is going to be pulled an even though she reversed the claim in might not go in on time. I will have to keep my fingers crossed and this also means I will be living with my company computer this weekend. Feeling stressed out caused me to want to eat , so I ate most of the lunch I brought from home. I was already stuffed between McDonald's , cake donuts and my wraps I could barely move. Then a sale reprensentative comes by and wants to treat us to Chipotle . I declined but the sales rep knows me and is like go ahead and order. I did but I called my cousin to
Pick my son up there would be no way for me to leave early . 3 o'clock rolls around and the food is not there I really want to leave . I want to pick my daughter up and go help my son with his homework. When I tried to leave when the food arrived my boss makes this comment that I never get a chance to sit and have lunch with them . Which is bullshit every time I'm there I sit in the lunch room. She just requires extra attention. Then she wants to know where I would be tomorrow . So I think she is now questioning what I'm doing . She needs to back off.  no matter if I leave early every day I still put in more than 40 hours of work time . I answer my personal phone at all hours of the day and i work on the computer at home. I just need to start being really careful . So somehow I managed to shove two tacos down. I truly need to be ashamed of myself I was eating non stop. I might have to roll myself to the car later .

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