Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another meeting

Another day of meetings but this time I have made a decision to be late. I didn't want to have that rush feeling it stresses you out to early in the morning. I was only 15 minutes late and I missed the breakfast opportunity. That's ok because part of the reasons I was late I decided to treat myself to McDonalds. I'm just a crazy girl livin it up on the dollar menu. 
The meeting was very informative the supervisor that held this one is a favorite for me. She can drive me crazy with the thing she says but she is honest. The meeting lasted until 1:30 pm but I stayed until 2pm since she brought in a guest speaker . I really didn't stay to hear the guest speaker , I stayed for the free lunch they provided. I was even able to bring some home . During the meeting i saw this jcpenny picture thing in groupon and purchased it. Now all I need I do is order my daughter dress . I sent the information to several people and my friend was the first to respond. Then all of a sudden my response to her wouldn't go through. I kept trying but it wasn't working. I thought maybe the reception was great so I stepped out the room to check . Still nothing would go out and then finally it hit me. It was like hey dummy did you see I you could call out, maybe the phone is off . Sure enough it was off. My phone is the main line so it's always the first to go but it allows me to get incoming but no outgoing. So I call my husband from the stores phone to let him know and for the first time ever his was off. I guess Sprint is really getting tired of us always owing money . I just laughed in my head . because it is now startin to get to the point where these thing happen so frequently I am now constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Seems I'm like a centipede with lots of  little legs and shoes to go with it. 
By the time the meeting was over the phone was working again. I call my husband to see how negative I will be in my account . He jokes about it never being off. I of course am not amused by this , but he won't tell me. He forgets sometimes I am the main line because minutes after we hung up I received a text for the promise to pay date. We are going to be in trouble when we do have to pay it , the amount seems to be at least 2 payments. I will have to cross that road next week when it's due. This will change the plans for presents I will be able to get my son for his birthday. 
I go I get my daughter this is the first time this week that I actually got te chance to get her. Lately it's been my husband , which finally I'm having him help out more . Not that he never wanted to but sometimes I think I am super mom. When I get there my daughter is sleeping. The babysitter places her in my arm and she looks up for a second and puts her back down. I guess she must have realized after a few seconds that it was me holding her because she wakes with excitement. She gives me a great big smile while calling mommy and patting my shoulders . It just lightens my hearts , these are the little things that make being a mother so grand. We basically spent that time in kisses and tickles and lots of giggles. Later another rain storm with lots of thunder comes. She runs to be and just clenches my neck . As I lay there comforting her I think about a time where she would be older and that might not be enough. But I want to make sure she will know that I will always be there to give her that needed hug. My mind the goes on my son who isn't too far away at a friends house. And I wish he was home because I know he is scared and I wanted to be there to comfort him. But I got to give some space . My parents smothered me since I was the only child and I don't want to do that to my kids. 
When it was my time to get him , I called my friend and she told me he was done with all his homework. Great I thought I would let him ride his bike since the rain stopped. Well when I get there half of his homework was not completed. The note with the complete instructions I wrote for her to do with him was gone . Ugh .. Now I'm fustrated because its 5:30 and by the time my son finishes it will be bath and bed time. Sure enough I was right I felt bad because he really did want to go ride his bike . Guess I have to make it up tomorrow. So I am in definitely in the fall mood . I decided to make another apple desert a crumb apple cake , this one my co worker have me the recipe . It is simple peel and cube apples , add some seasoning and place in dish . I used pumpkin spice to give it that fall flavor. Next just dump yellow cake mix on top and pour a melted stick of butter in top. It was so good and I are with some vanilla ice cream. It was a perfect ending to a day. Sorry no pictures maybe next time. 

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