Monday, September 9, 2013


Started the day forgetting my head. Today I began class work at 10am but some how I was getting time confused. I got back home a little after 9am and I thought I had an hour to relax before going to work. Thank goodness I got my head back in time. I jumped up a ran out the door and got there exactly at 10am. Today I had four people but it felt like 10, not one of them completed their new hire paperwork. They needed it done so that I could hire them. It took two hours to get it done . So again I had to have my cousin pick my son up. I really have to get this under control. My husband and I decided it was better for him to pick up my daughter so I could be with my son. I get home and he informs me he got a yellow. So this is how we are going to start this week. I pull out his homework and received a huge shock. The amount he got you would think he was starting college tomorrow.  He had to write his name five times , he had three sentences, 40 sight words, 2 pages of math, 10 spelling words that he had to write 5 times each , science project and spelling test next week. There is more but you get the idea. He takes forever to finish it. The only reason I was able to put dinner on the table was I had the entree cooking in the slow cooker. I love that machine. After putting the kids to bed I receive a call from one of my managers. She is upset  , one of her employees has been a no show for two days. She doesn't know what to do. Unfortunately we can't just fire her because she would be able to collect unemployment. So tomorrow night I will go and write her up then we can begin the documentation and soon we can terminate. I am so disappointed with this girl. Months ago she was just a cashier and she asked me for the opportunity to move up in a different department and I did. She really wasn't doing the work well and now this. Some people are so ungrateful. But that is fine I have others in that department who would love more hours. And there are plenty of people looking for a job and just want the opportunity. Since I had classes today , I had to catch up on emailing and tracking my training . I didn't finish until 2am but that's the sacrifice for being able to leave work early. So what am I doing ? finishing this blog and on to Pinterest I go. I guess I forget I have to be up at 6am. 

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