Sunday, September 1, 2013

Cabin fever

Today I ended up having to go into to work a for a few hours. Which my son didn't like, he wanted to do something today . I felt bad because yesterday we spent the whole day at home . Kids don't understand that sometimes you need to just be home and veg out in front of the TV. Once I got back my husband had to leave , he's been doing little side jobs lately fixing in computers . What extra we can get , I will not complain. My son whined the whole day and I had a headache the whole day. I think we are both going through cabin fever. Even I was ready to leave these two kids were driving crazy. Finally when my husband came home and they drove him crazy we decided to venture out. I called my mom and asked if she could watch the kids for awhile. My son was ecstatic he loves going to my parents house. And he loves seeing my mom, those two have a very special bond with each other. Hubby and I , wanted to go to the bookstore to get my son some new books. We are suppose to read to him 30 minutes a day and tell the teacher exactly what we read. I wanted some Dr. Seuss books they will help with the sight words. We go looking for the bookstore and its been closed down. This is crazy after losing Borders there isn't many bookstores close left. I actually had to drive to another county to get to Barnes and Nobles. The ones in my county where to far south. We get there and straight to the children section I go. Omg .. I forget how expensive children books are. One book is over $8 and the popular Dr.Seuss is $14 something., Crazy. I see one huge book which has the dozen popular Seuss books its $35. This is the one I want , I could read one the stories that has a movie on Fridays and on Saturday show him the movie . Like the Lorax or Cat in hat, and we could make activities out of it . The. I see other Seuss books that have 6 books at half the price but these are more suited toward sight words. I take a picture of the two books an send to Mom  to ask her opinion. Funds are limited and I am not able to get both. She likes the smaller one she thinks the other is just too big. She is worried that it could intimidate my son, that he would be more comfortable with a size he could hold himself. She was absolutely correct this is why it is great to get a second opinion. This whole time my husband hasn't been by my side where do I find him , in the comic section on the floor. Something's never change about him. Hopefully tomorrow we will take full advantage if a day off. 

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